Facial, periorbital fat grafting


  • Facial Fat Grafts


Patient is 35 years old female who came tyo us with desire to have cheek augmentation with fat grafts. She wanted fuller, Asial looking cheeks and improvement along lower eyelids-cheeks, to erase darker looking skin and mild tear troughs; she also wanted fuller lateral brows. In local anesthesia we harvested 35-40 ml of fat from her abdomen by means of liposuction; grafts were than processed into micro and nano fat grafts. Approximately 12ml of micro and 2 ml of nano fat grafts was injected in each side of the periorbital areas. before and 1.5 years after photos are presented. Notice fuller cheeks, smooth transition from eyelids to cheeks, as well as glowing, youthful skin. She also had upper blephartoplasty done in the same surgery.

Age: 35
Gender: Female

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