Upper Abdominoplasty, breast lift, liposuction, excision of back skin folds


  • Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty
  • Breast Lift
  • Body Contouring


This 35 years old female lost approximately 60 lbs. after bariatric surgery. She had abdominoplasty, liposuction and breast lift done one year after bariatric surgery  and 2 years before she came to see us for further consultation. She was not satisfied with appearance of her abdomen, especially upper portion above the belly button, her heavy, saggy breasts and large back skin folds. After detailed evaluation we decided to do  upper adominal lift (upper abdominoplasty), breast lift, excision of large back skin folds, and liposuction of torso and thighs. This was al done in one surgery. Patient is shown 5 months after upper abdominoplasty, breast lift, liposuction of torso and inner thights and excision of large  back skin folds.

Age: 36
Gender: Female

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