Facial, Chin Implant

This 29 years old patient wanted correction of full neck and small, under-projected chin. In twilight anesthesia we performed chin augmentation with medium size extended implant and aggressive liposuction of jawline and neck. Patient is shown before and 6 months after neck liposuction and chin augmentation. Marketing

Face and neck lift

This out of town patient wanted improvement of the neck and jawline. We decided to do face and neck lift (SMAS) in twilight anesthesia. patient is shown before and 10 months after face and neck lift. Marketing

Facial fat grafts

This out of town patient came requesting facial rejuvenation. After thorough evaluation and discussion about her goals we decided to perform micro-fat and nano-fay grafting around her cheeks, lower eyelids and brows. patient received 10 ml. of fat and nano-grafts in these multiple areas for peri-orbital rejuvenation. She is shown before and 14 months after…

Facial fat grafts

This patient wanted correction of deep circles underneath the eyes. A combination of lower blepharoplasty (transconjuctival) and fat grafting of the cheeks and eyelid junction, to correct deep tear trough groove and shape cheeks, was done. Before and 8 moths after photos are presented. *Patient would likely benefit from another fat grafting to further augment…


This 49 years old patient wanted facial rejuvenation.Her major concerns were full neck, sagging of lower face and full, droopy upper eyelids. After discussing her options she decided to have lower face/neck lift and upper eyelid surgery. In twilight anesthesia we first completed very conservative upper blepharoplasty (per patient request), followed with neck and face…


This gentlemen had a face and neck lift 18 years ago. His major complain was neck deformity with visible muscle bands and deep wrinkles around mouth. He also wanted more definition of the jawline. Facial rejuvenation surgery was done in twilight anesthesia. First we harvested fat from his lower abdomen by means of liposuction.  Fat…


This 55-year-old patient wanted a moderate improvement in her neck and jawline. After discussing two different options (neck vs. face/neck lift), we decided to proceed with a lower face/neck lift. As per our routine, surgery was done using twilight anesthesia. In the course of 3 hours, we performed liposuction of neck and jawline, tightening and…


A 21-year-old cosmetic surgery West Palm Beach patient wanted to find weather we can do “anything to improve his weak lower jaw”. He wanted “a more square and stronger jaw”. On preoperative evaluation in our cosmetic surgery office in Fort Lauderdale  he presented with signs of a weak, underdeveloped (hypoplastic) jaw angles which gave his face…