Dr. Zoran Potparic's CV





Pljevlja, Montenegro







Board Certified, Plastic Surgery (Yugoslavia) 1984

USMLE1.2.3. 1994

Board Certified, Plastic Surgery (ABPS) 1999


Commonwealth of Virginia 1995

Louisiana 1997

Florida 1998


Private practice 1999

Zoran Potparic, M.D., P.A. Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33301


Resident Division of Plastic Surgery
University of Miami/JMH, MiamiFl.
Program Director:S.Thaller, MD, DMD

Resident, Department of Plastic Surgery
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Norfolk, VA
Program Director:J.H. Carraway, M.D.

Fellow, Microsurgery/Research
Department of Plastic Surgery
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Program Director:J.H.Carraway

Fellow, Craniofacial/Research
Institute for Cranio facial and Reconstructive Surgery
Southfield, MI
Director: I.T. Jackson, M.D.

Fellow, Clinical/Research, Aesthetics, Oculo Plastic Surgery
Department of Plastic Surgery
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Norfolk, VA
Program Director:C.E. Horton, M.D.


British Council Fellow Oxford, Cranio facial Unit
The Radcliff Infirmary, Oxford,U.K.
Program Director: M.H.Poole, M.D.
03/1990 – 06/1990

Resident, Department for Burns and Plastic Surgery
Military Medical Academy
Beograd, Yugoslavia
Program Director: v.Arneri, M.D.
08/1984 – 10/1984

Resident, Department for Plastic Surgery, Micro surgery and Burns
University Clinical Center
Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
Program Director: M.Godina, M.D.
02/1984 – 07/1984

Resident,Clinica Plastica yEstetica Dr.Planas
Barcelona, Spain

Resident, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
University Medical Center
Sarajevo, Yugoslavia
Program Director: B.Starovic, M.D.
07/1982 – 01/1984

Resident, Department of Surgery
University Medical Center
Sarajevo, Yugoslavia
Program Director: M.Prcic, M.D.
05/1980 – 06/1982


Medicine/Surgery Rotation
10/1976 – 09/1977
University Medical Center
Sarajevo, Yugoslavia


Assistant Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
University of Sarajevo Medical School
Sarajevo, Yugoslavia

Chief-Section of Reconstructive Microsurgery Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
University Medical Center
Sarajevo, Yugoslavia
1988 – 1991

Attending Surgeon, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
University Medical Center
Sarajevo, Yugoslavia
1984 – 1991

Medical Consultant
LEK-Pharmaceutical Industry
Ljubljana, Slovenia
04/1977 – 04/1980

Medical Officer
Military Medical Academy
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
01/1978 – 12/1978

Assistant Professor
Institute of Anatomy University of Sarajevo Medical School
10/1976 – 03/1977


Yugoslavian Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

American Board of Plastic Surgery
1999 (recertification 2007)


Private Practice
08/1999 – present
Zoran Potparic, M.D., P.A.
Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33301

Associate Professor
08/1997 – 07/1999

Resident / Fellow in Plastic Surgery
07/1995 – 06/1997
Department of Surgery
Louisiana State University Medical Center
Shreveport, LA

Fellow, Resident
01/1992 – 06/1995
Department of Plastic Surgery
University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital

Department of Plastic Surgery Eastern Virginia Medical School

Fellow-Research Associate
02/1991 – 12/1991
Institute for Cranio facial Surgery
Providence Hospital
Southfield, MI

Resident, Attending Surgeon, Assistant Professor
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
05/1980 – 01/1991
University Medical Center
Sarajevo, Bosnia

Medical Consultant
04/1977 – 04/1980
“Lek” Pharmaceutical Industry
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Assistant Professor
Institute of Anatomy
University of Sarajevo Medical School
Sarajevo, Bosnia


Associate Professor of Surgery
Division of Plastic Surgery
Louisiana State University, Shreveport, Louisiana

Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery
University of Sarajevo Medical School

Assistant Professor of Anatomy
University of Sarajevo Medical School

Instructor,Institute of Anatomy
University of Sarajevo Medical School


Plastic Surgery Research Council

Dr.Ralph Millard Plastic Surgery Society

American Medical Association

Medical Society of Virginia

American Society for Laser Surgery

Southern Medical Association

Florida Medical Association

Florida Plastic Surgery Society

Broward County, Florida, Plastic Surgery Society Medical Association

Ft.Lauderdale Surgical Society

Broward Plastic Surgery Society


Marko Godina Traveling Fellow

British Council Scholar

Fulbright Fellow

Spanish Government Scholar

“Bogdan Zimonjic Award” Best Student of the Year, University of Sarajevo Medical School

International Medical Student, Exchange Program, Gotenberg, Sweden





1. Starovic, 8., Kostic 8, Rajacic, N., Potparic Z.A need for a doctrinaire assistance to a traumatized hand, Zbornik Radova 4th Congress of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgeons of Yugoslavia, 1980, 155-162

2. Sueur OJ., Konstantinovic P., Potparic Z., Fresh chicken legs: an experimental model for the microsurgical beginners. Br J Plast Surg, 1981, 34:488-489

3. Potparic Z, Rajacic N, Radivojevic M. Reconstruction of the frontal bone defect with Vascularized iliac bone graft, Acta Chir Ygosl, 1986, suppl 1, 22;36-28

4. Rajacic N, Potparic Z, Ninkovic M. The use of tissue expanders in head and neck reconstructions, Acta Chir Ygosl, 1986, suppl 1,22;49-51

5. Rajacic N, Potparic Z, Babovic S. Advantages of innenated instep flap for treatment of heel defects, Acta Chir Ygosl, 1986, suppl 1, 33;179-181

6. Potparic Z, Starovic B, Sueur Dj, Rajacic N. Reconstruction of the extensive defects of the foot with free flaps, Plastic Surgical Forum, 1991, 16;130-132

7. White KS, Jackson IT, Potparic Z. The conical tube pedicle flap: uses in facial reconstruction, Br J Plastic Surgery, 1992, 45;398-402

8. Potparic Z: Free medial Gastroenemius myocutaneous flap; Letter to the Editor. Br J Plastic Surgery, 1992, 45; 486-488

9. Potparic Z, Starovic B. Reconstruction of extensive defects of the cranium with free flaps, Head & Neck, 1993, 15:97-104

10. Potparic Z: End-to-side anastomoses: an experimental study. Discussion, Plastic Surgery Outlook, 1993, 7:2-3

11. Rachmiel A, Potparic Z, Jackson IT, Sugihara T, Clayman L, Topf J, Forte R. Midface advancement by gradual distraction. Br J Plastic Surgery 1993, 46:201- 207

12. Jackson IT, Carreno R, Potparic Z., Hassaim K. Hemagiomas, Vascular Malformations and Lymphovenous Malformations: Classification and Methods of Treatment, Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 1993, 91; 1216-1230

13. Jackson IT, Carbone! A, Potparic Z, Shaw K. Orbitotemporal Neurofibromatosis: Classification and Treatment. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 1993, 92; 1-8

14. Miller JR, Potparic Z, Cramer A, Colen LB, Carwell GO, Carraway JH. Medial Lower Leg Vascular Perforators: A Comparison Cadaver Studies and Duplex Ultrasonography. Plastic Surgical Forum. 1993, 16; 27-30

15. Richart GC, Jackson IT, Potparic Z, Tan GB, Chambers PA. Management of locally aggressive sinus disease using craniofacial exposure and the galealfrontals fascia-muscle flap. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 1993, 92; 121-1225

16. Jackson IT, Potparic Z, Fasching M, Schievinck WI, Tydstrom K, Hussain K. Penetration of the skull base by dissecting keratocyst. J Craniomaxfac Surgery, 1993, 21:319-325

17. Rachmiel A, , Potparic Z, Jackson IT, Fukuta K, Tysell B, Audet B. Extradural dead space following cranial bone advancement. Ann Plastic Surgery. 1994, 32:1488-155

18. Fukuta K, Potparic Z, Sugihara T, Rachmael A, Forte R, Jackson IT. A cadaver investigation of the blood supply to the galeal frontalis flap. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. 94:794, 1994

19. Potparic Z, Jackson IT, Colen LB, Fukuta K, Carraway JH. Galea-pericranial flaps in the forehead: a study of blood supply. Plastic Surgical Forum, 17:292, 1994

20. Potparic Z, Colen LB, Sueur Dj, Carwell GO, Carraway JH. The Gastroenemius muscle as a free flap donor site. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. 95:1245-1252, 1995

21. Miller JR, Potparic Z, Colen LB, Sorrel K, Carraway JH. The accuracy of Duplex Ultrasonography in the planning of skin flaps in the lower extremity. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. 95:1221-1227, 1995

22. Rachmiel A, Jackson IT, Potparic Z, Ciayman L, Laufer D. Midface advancement by gradual distraction: a follow-up study. J Oral Maxillofac Surgery. 53:525-529, 1995

23. Colen LB, Stevenson A, Sidorov V, Potparic Z, Pacelli E, Lee S, Li L. Microvascular anastomotic thrombosis in experimental diabetes mellitus. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. 99:165-162, 1996

24. Potparic Z, Fukuta K, Colen L, Jackson IT, Carraway JH. Galea-pericranial flaps in the forehead: A study of blood supply and volumes. Br J Plastic Surgery 49, 519-528, 1996

25. Potparic Z, Colen LB, Kadz BB. The use of perforator based flaps in reconstruction of the distal leg: an anatomical and clinical study. Plastic Surgery Forum. 19, 228-229, 1996

26. Potparic Z, Rajacic N. Long-term results in weight-bearing foot reconstruction with non-innervated and reinnervated free flaps. Br J Plastic Surgery. 50, 176-181, 1997

27. Colen LB, Pessa JE, Potparic Z, Reus WF: Reconstruction of the extremity with dorsal thoracic fascia free flap. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. 101, 738-744, 1998

28. Fukuta K, Saito K, Potparic Z. A comparison of single-stage frontoparietal advancement in terms of extradural dead space and bone deposition. Br J Plastic Surgery 51, 169-175, 1998

29. Potparic Z, Colen LB: A 5-year review of island distally based fasciocutaneous flaps the lower limb. (letter) Br J Plastic Surgery, 51, 651, 1998


1. Potparic Z, Jackson IT, Rachmiel A: The application of the llizarov Technique on facial skeleton. In: IT Jackson and B Sommerland (eds) Recent Advances in Plastic Surgery 5. Churchill Livingston, Edinburgh, Pp. 71-80, 1996

2. Potparic Z and Basket B: Nonmelanoma skin cancer. In: B Djulbegovic (Ed) Reasoning and Decision Making in Oncology. Churchill Livingstone, New York, Pp. 115-118, 1997

3. Jackson, IT, Potparic Z: Galeal-frontalis myofascial flap. In: B. Strauch, L.O. Vasconez and E. J. Hall-Findlay (eds): Grabb’s Encyclopedia of Flaps, 2nd edition. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, Pp. 37-41


1. Potparic Z, Carwell G, Colen LB, Getz SB: Gastroenemius flap revisited. J Reconstructive Microsurgery. 10(2), 114, 1994

2. Colen LB, Searls J, Potparic Z: Vascularized tendon reconstruction for upper and lower extremity defects. J Reconstructive Microsurgery. 10(2), 117, 1994

3. Miller JR, Colen LB, Potparic Z, Handy A: Peritoneal/posterior sheath free tissue transfer for chronic wounds of the lower extremity. J Reconstructive Microsurgery. 11 (5), 395, 1995

4. Fukuta K, Saito K, Potparic Z: An experimental study of craniofacial distraction and intracranial dead space. In D, Marshac (Ed.) Craniofacial Surgery 6: Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery, Bologna, Italy, Monduzzi Editore, Pp. 293-294, 1995


European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 9/1992;10/1991;7/1992;11/1993;10/1995


Reconstructive possibilities for the amputated thumb, Norfolk, VA, 1986

Heel reconstruction with local and free flaps, Norfolk, VA, June 1986

Acute free flaps: Marko Godina Memorial Lecture, Toronto General Hospital, Division of Plastic Surgery, Toronto, August 1986

Reconstruction of breast asymmetries, 11th Congress of Surgical Association of Yugoslavia, Sarajevo, September 1988

Reconstruction of the breast after mastectomy, 11th Congress of Surgical Association of Yugoslavia, Sarajevo, September 1988

Secondary (prefabricated) island flap, 6th Congress of Plastic and MaxillofacialSurgeons Association of Yugoslavia, Portoroz, October 1988

Reconstruction of extensive tissue defects of the foot with free flaps; 6th Congress of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgeons Association of Yugoslavia, Portoroz, Yugoslavia, October 1988

Microvascular reconstruction of extensive soft tissue effects of the foot, Visiting Professor Lecture, Oxford Craniofacial Unit, Oxford, UK, May 1990

Reconstruction of the extensive defects after breast ablation and irradiation, Oxford Craniofacial Unit, Oxford, UK, May 1990

Some possibilities in thumb reconstruction, Oxford Craniofacial Unit, Oxford, UK, May 1990

Microvascular reconstruction of the skull and the upper third of the face, 15th International Congress of Maxillofacial Surgery, Beograd, Yugoslavia, June 1990

Some possibilities in thumb reconstruction, Institute for Craniofacial and

Reconstructive Surgery, Southfield, Ml, March 1991

Fourteen cases review of free flap reconstruction of the upper face and skull, 31st Annual Meeting of Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons, St. Louis, MO, May 1991

Early definitive microvascular reconstruction of the extremities: Marko Godina Memorial Lecture. Providence Hospital, Southfield, Ml, 1991

Surgical management of fronto-orbital tumors, Operation Smile Craniofacial Symposium, GVMS Norfolk, VA, June 1992

Hemangioma, vascular and lymphovenous malformations: classification and treatment, Operation Smile Craniofacial Symposium, GVMS Norfolk, VA, June 1992

Midface advancement by gradual distraction, ASMS/PSEF International Society of Craniofacial Surgery, International Symposium on Craniofacial Surgery, Chicago, IL, October 1992. (Presented by Rachmiel A.)

Medial lower leg vascular perforators: a comparison of cadaver studies and Duplex ultrasonography. Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Hilton Head, SC, June 1993 (Presented by Miller JR)

Hemagiomas, vascular and lymphovenous malformations of the head and neck, Operation Smile Craniofacial Workshop, GVMS, Norfolk, VA. June 1993

Nerve entrapment syndromes of the upper extremity, Gent Family Practice Group, GVMS, Norfolk, VA. August 1993.

Medial lower leg vascular perforators: a comparison of cadaver studies and duplex ultrasonography. ASPRS/PSEF/ASMS Annual Scientific Meeting. New Orleans, LA, September 1993. (Presented by Miller JR)

Gastroenemius flap: rejuvenated. American Society for Reconstructive

Microsurgery Ninth Annual Meeting, Kansas City, September 1993

Galea-pericranial Flaps: Applications and Limits. Plastic Surgery of the Eyelids, Orbits and Face: Reconstructive and Aesthetic, 4th Annual Symposium, Williamsburg, VA, November 1993

Galea-pericranial flaps in the forehead: a study of blood supply, American Association for Plastic Surgeons 73rd Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, May 1-4, 1994

Galea-pericranial flaps in the forehead: a study of blood supply, 39th Annual Meeting of Plastic Surgery Research Council, Ann Arbor, Ml, June 4-7, 1994, poster

Galea-pericranial flaps in the forehead: a study of vascular supply, ASPRA/PSEF/ASMS 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA, Sept. 24-28, 1994, poster

Peritoneal/posterior sheath free tissue transfer for chronic wounds of the lower extremity. Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons, Quebec City, Quebec, October 1994 (presented by J. Miller)

Application of the peritoneal free flap in extremity reconstruction, American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Marco Island, Florida, January 1995

Galea-pericranial flaps in the forehead: a study of blood supply and volumes, Sacramento Skull Base Symposium, Sacramento, CA, June 25-30, 1995

An experimental study of craniofacial distraction and intracranial dead space. 6th Congress of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery, Bologna, Italy, 1995 (presented by K. Fukuta)

The peroneal artery skin fladonor site: A comparison of cadaver, Doppier and Duplex ultrasound data. 11th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery. Tucson, AZ., January 1996

The use of perforator based flaps in the reconstruction of the distal leg. Limb Salvage and Reconstruction Symposium, Seattle, WA, May, 1996

The use of perforator based flaps in the reconstruction of the distal leg: An anatomical and clinical study. 65th Annual Scientific Meeting of ASPRA/PSEF/ASMS, Dallas, TX, November, 1996

Use of Duplex Ultrasonography for preoperative evaluation of flap donor sites, 15th Winter Meeting of Florida Society of Plastic Surgery, Boca Raton, FL, December 1996

Cosmetic facial surgery. Women Forever. LSUMC, Shreveport, LA, November 1997

Leg reconstruction with local perforator based flaps. Florida Plastic Surgery Society Winter Meeting, Florida Keys, December 1999

Hemangioma and vascular malformations: classification and treatment, Holy Cross Hospital Tumor Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, March 2001

Reconstruction of severe craniofacial injuries, Caducean Society Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. October 1999

About the face: current trends in cosmetic facial surgery. Dinner with Doctor, Holy Cross Hospital, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.. October 2000

Use of perforator based flaps in leg Reconstruction; Florida Plastic Surgery Society Annual Winter Meeting, December 2000


Fresh chicken leg: a model for microvascular training. University of Sarajevo Medical School. Sarajevo, 1980.

Secondary (prefabricated) island flap for urethral reconstruction, Eastern Virginia School of Medicine. Norfolk, Va. 1986.

Gradual expansion of the skull and facial skeleton, Institute for Craniofacial Surgery, Southfield, MI. 1991.

Midface advancement by gradual distraction in sheep model, Institute for Craniofacial Surgery, Southfield, MI, 1991-1992

Extradural dead space formation and behavior in adult rabbit model, Institute for Craniofacial Surgery, Southfield, Ml, 1991.

Influence of topical injection of corticosteriods on skin flap survival and edema. Norfolk, VA, 1992 ($2500)

Vascular study of galea-frontalis myofascial flap, Norfolk VA, 1992-1994

Gastroenemius muscle free flap, Norfolk, VA, 1992-1993

Adipofascial flaps in the lower leg, Norfolk, VA, 1992-1994

Medial lower leg vascular perforators: a comparison of cadaver and Duplex Ultrasonography data, Norfolk, VA, 1993-1994

Microvascular anastomoses in experimental diabetes mellitus, Norfolk, 1992-1993

Tarsal tunnel: an anatomical study. Norfolk, VA, 1993-1994

Lower leg septocutaneous perforators: a cadaver study.

Flexor tendon sheath flap, Norfolk, VA, 1993

Compressive neuropathy in diabetic rat model, Norfolk, VA, 1994

The effect of early radical vs. staged conservative debridement on flap survival, Norfolk, VA, 1993

The role of Duplex imaging in preoperative planning of flaps derived from the fibular artery donor site, Norfolk, VA, 1993-1994

Endoscopic approach to the sural and the saphenns nerve harvest, Norfolk, VA, 1993-1994

Galea-pericranial flaps in the forehead; a study of blood supply, and volumes. Norfolk, VA, 1993-1994

Functional assessment of diabetic neuropathy in rats. EVMS Grant #3908 Norfolk, VA, 1994 ($1800.00)

The use of perforator based flaps in the lower leg reconstruction: An anatomical and clinical study. Norfolk, VA, and Miami, FL, 1993-1996

Use of Duplex ultrasonography for preoperative planning of flaps: a clinical study. Norfolk, VA, and Miami, FL. 1992-1996

Evaluation of nipple sensibility after breast reduction. Miami, FL. 1996