• Breast Asymmetry


This 26-year-old plastic surgery patient from Miami came to our office requesting consult for corrective breast surgery. She had significant discrepancy in the size and shape of her breasts as a teenager. At the age of 22 she had her first breast surgery which included breast reduction on the right side and breast lift on the left side. Although that surgery significantly diminished asymmetry of her breasts she was not entirely satisfied with the result. Furthermore, a larger right breast became in time more droopy. She wanted her breast and areolas to be the same size.

After clinical evaluation in our Fort Lauderdale plastic surgery office we suggested reduction of right breast and areola and placement of silicone gel breast implants to give her breast more fullness in the upper pole.

Surgery was done in general anesthesia in our office based AAAA accredited plastic surgery center. It included reduction of right (more) and left (less) breasts and placement of round, smooth gel breast implants to improve contour of the breast and provide a more durable result.

Patient is shown on the left before second corrective breast surgery and 3 months after breast surgery on the right. Notice a change in size and shape of breasts and areolas, small enlargement of both breasts and fullness in the upper portion of the breasts. Generally, breast lift with implants provide a more durable result then breast lift alone, in our experience.

Age: 26
Gender: Female

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