Buttock lift- is BBL a true lift?

This patient had a Brazilian butt lift, which is not a real lift. However, when liposuction of lower back and area above buttock deepens the angle between flanks and buttock and fat grafting increases projection of upper portion of buttocks,  illusion of significant butt lift is created. Before and immediate (7 days) after surgery  photos…

Buttock lift- BBL is not a true lift but.....

This patient had a Brazilian buttock lift; shaping of flanks and abdomen with aggressive liposuction and augmentation of mostly upper half of buttocks and hips with fat grafts. Although this is not true lifting, a combination of aggressive liposuction of flanks and areas above buttocks and augmentation of upper buttocks create visual illusion of lift.…

Body Contouring- thighs, knees

Patient is a professional dancer. She wanted minimal improvement of her thighs and knees. Liposuction of medial (inner) thighs, inside and outside knees and inside of upper legs was done in a very conservative fashion. Before and after 6 months photos; patient has silicone tapes for scar management. Marketing

Arm lift- brachioplasty

This patient lost weight and as a result had sagging of the arm skin. Arm lift surgery involved removal of skin from inside  the arm and armpit including liposuction of outside and back of the arm.  Before and 9 months after; notice scar well hidden inside the arm Marketing

Male breast reduction for gynecomastia

This patient presented with moderate/severe form of gynecomastia present since his puberty. Breast reduction by means vertical, lollipop breast lift technique, was used to reduce both volume of breast tissue and skin. Before and 6 months after photos. Marketing

Male breast surgery for gynecomastia

This patient thought that his chests/breasts look too feminine due to moderate enlargement. This condition is known as gynecomastia and may be seen in people taking steroids for body building. Breast reduction consisted of combination of liposuction and direct removal of portion of gland underneath nipple/areola. Before and 3 months after photos. Marketing

Male breast reduction surgery for gynecomastia

This patient wanted removal of hard tissue underneath both nipples; this lump would push nipple out, what to him looked very feminine. In local anesthesia, using small incision placed in the lower aspect of areola, we removed redundant tissue from both breasts. Before and 6 months after photos are shown.   Marketing