Brazilian Butt Lift

This patient initially wanted just liposuction of flanks, lower back and abdomen.  It took us  significant efforts to persuade her that addition of fat grafts for shaping and augmentation of hips and buttocks will create more impressive result. Liposuction of torso 360 followed with fat grafting to buttocks and hips was done in general anesthesia.…

Male breast surgery- large nipples

Male nipples are much smaller than female nipples; males with very large nipples frequently have to place a tape over nipples or ware larger shirts to avoid showing nipples. Nipple reduction surgery is very simple procedure in local anesthesia with immediate result. This patient is shown before nipple reduction and 18 months after surgery. Marketing

Nipple reduction in male patient

This patient complained that his large nipples are so visible underneath the T Shirt that he has to ware much larger shirts to cover it. We discussed nipple reduction surgery, to create significantly smaller, male nipples. Surgery was done in local anesthesia. Before  nipple reduction and 1.5 years after  reduction photos are presented. Marketing

Breast Lift with Implant Replacement

This patient had breast lift and augmentation with implants approximately 12 years ago. She wanted new lift and slightly larger breasts. We selected implants volume 375 ml., smooth, gel, moderate hight profile. Vertical technique of breast lift was used. Patient is shown before and 2 years after breast lift and implants exchange. Marketing

Liposuction, Contouring of Torso

This patient had mild gynecomastia and mild to moderate fat deposits 9lipodystrophy) of abdomen, flanks, and lower back. Liposuction of all these areas was done in general anesthesia. Before and 6 months after photos of lipo-sculpting of torso are presented. Marketing

Brazilian Butt Lift, Revision

This patient had BBL done 4 years ago by another plastic surgeon. Despite very nice overall result, she wanted revision by means of filling concavities of lateral buttocks/hips. She claims that these areas were fuller several months after surgery but in 1 year both areas lost volume. We discussed fat graft resorption as a cause…

Rhinoplasty, ethnic nose surgery

This patient wanted to preserve ethnic features of her nose but did not like bulk and thickness of the tip and dorsum (bridge) of the nose. Open rhinoplasty was used to trim and refine tip cartilages, narrow the nose width, improve nose base and altogether refine and balance  the nose and create facial harmony and…

Breast lift after implant removal

This patient had multiple implants in the course of 40 years. She had last set of silicone gel implants placed (replaced) 2 years ago by another surgeon. She complained of severe pain in both breast and wanted to have implants removed. There were no signs of breast deformity and hardness, typical for encapsulated implants, breast…

Secondary face lift

This patient had her first face lift 7 years ago at age 62. She wanted “some refreshment” and for that reason we performed second (secondary) lower face and neck lift and placed moderate amount of micro-fat and nano- fat grafts over her cheeks, around eyes and mouth. Patient is shown before second face/neck lift and…